America’s businesses pay a high price for alcohol and drug abuse. Some costs—increased absences, accidents and errors—are obvious. Others, such as low employee morale and high illness rates, are less so, but the effects are equally harmful to workplace safety. The good news is that employers have enormous power to protect their organizations from alcohol and drug abuse by educating employees and volunteers about its dangers and encouraging individuals with alcohol and drug problems to seek help. The term “drug-free workplace” is used generally to describe employer-sponsored substance abuse prevention programs.
Worksite alcohol and drug use cannot be taken lightly, especially on construction sites where we rely on each other for safety. As a worker on this site, you have certain responsibilities related to drug and alcohol use. It is your responsibility to:
- Understand the project’s drug-free workplace policy.
- Follow it and set a good example for others by working drug and alcohol free.
- Seek help if you or your co-worker(s) need it.
- Notify management if you observe use of or impairment from drugs or alcohol that could threaten the health and safety of employees.
Remember: if you directly observe drug-free workplace policy violations or obvious, on-the-job impairment that you believe poses an immediate danger to any worker on the job (perhaps caused by alcohol or drug use):
- DO NOT delay or ignore the situation.
- STOP the worker from committing the unsafe practice, if at all possible.
- NOTIFY your supervisor or foreman, immediately.
- BE WILLING to risk being wrong. When your safety and that of your co-worker(s) is on the line, it is better to be safe than sorry.
A safe, healthy and drug-free workplace is everybody’s responsibility. Thanks for making it yours.
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